Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pheasant Hunting

Today is opening day of pheasant season in Iowa. I hunted with my Dad and two brothers. We hunted all day an only saw two pheasants. It was terrible! Because of all the rain Iowa has received, nearly all the crops are still in the field and there was standing water EVERYWHERE in the places we hunted. The only rooster we saw flew into a private cornfield. We never even shot at a pheasant. However, I did have a great time spending the day with my Dad and brothers! It was a beautiful, windy day and all in all we had a great time (minus the wet boots from water going over the tops of them). Hopefully the hunting will be better in a few weeks, once all the corn and beans are picked.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So, it's been awhile since we've posted anything on the blog. I'm really terrible at keeping up with this. In case you're wondering what's been going on with Kerri and me lately here it goes...

I'm in the middle of mid-term week at school...of my final semester!! I can't wait to be finished. All in all, school has been great but I am so sick of riding the bus, taking tests and doing homework. Did I mention that I'm sick of riding the bus? Just making sure. I start teaching a new guitar student today! That's very exciting! I now have two students. Hopefully I can get a couple more before the end of the year. That would be awesome!

Kerri is still substitute teaching and working at Sylvan Learning Center. She's going to be filling a long-term substitute position at New Life Christian Academy after the Christmas break. Hopefully that will open a door for her into a full-time job! You never know...

Kerri and I will be making numerous trips back to Iowa between now and the New Year. Hopefully we'll get to see as much of our family and friends as possible during our visits. This next couple of months is going to FLY by! But, it's going to be a lot of fun!